Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Roar! Just playing with my lights but isn't she sweet? We are so ready for this rain to go away, cold gray and just yuck. Makes me very depressed. She's cute enough to brighten any day though. She's started counting, I know she doesn't know what it means but it's fun anyway. She says 1, 2, 3... go! She also does this thing that I so wish I could get a picture of. If either Nathan or I are holding her and anywhere close to each other she'll reach out and grab us and push our faces together to kiss. Well, it does get annoying if we're trying to talk and she repeatedly does it but her face when she makes it work is priceless.
Evie amazes me sometimes, we were listening to the Chieftans last night, the girls were dancing and Evie stops and says, it's like Camelot. And well yes it was. That's a great cartoon by the way if you've never seen it, very girl power and good over evil. But they have this music on there that was just like what we were listening too. She's soo smart. Okay I know that's really not that big of deal but it's to wonderful to finally be hearing this stuff. Another speech first happened yesterday too, we were brushing her horse and she told me it's name and I asked what his favorite food was and what he liked to do, you know the usual stuff. Her favorite answer for anything that might have involved in depth communication used to be "pink" but last night she answered them all. His name was oggy and he liked to run and eat and do horsey stuff (my abbreviation for the long drawn out answer I got!).
whew! I guess that's enough :)


Anonymous said...

love the reflection! how fun!
btw, your banner says "pictues" instead of pictures ... dunno if this is a typo or intentional ...

Nicole said...

Very cute shot. The reflection is awesome! What flash did you get?

heidi~r. said...

Awesome...LOVE the reflection!

My Endo Journey said...

Love the reflection, and love the new Yellow House banner at the top of your blog! :)

Julie ( THE Queen of TyPo'S) This chic can't spell!!! said...

Reflection is great!