Look at that little frown of concentration, how cute is that? She's trying so hard and learning so much and it's just so neat because it's all on her own. I never bought into the educational toys or videos, I just wanted her to play and worry about that stuff later but it's so cool to watch her learn. She walks around saying "ha horse" and sounding the words out, I don't know if she picked it up from school or Mimi but it's definitely fun. I guess I had better get some books on teaching reading and phonics because I sure don't remember what to tell her! I'll confess it is a major relief, just because I didn't do flashcards didn't mean I wasn't
worried she'd be behind.
Go E!!!! :)
Very cute! How old is she? I think she's a quick study. :-)
That's really cute...she's doing a great job! How old is she?
So cute!
Thanks everybody. She'll be four next month.
aww this is so precious and a great memory for the books! Beautiful :)
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