If you've been counting down the days with me you might notice I bounced forward by a bit. I had an original due date of April 1st but midway through in the midst of my dozen sonos they changed it to March 26. I'm not sure I believe that since I tend to have such big and long babes but I'm at the point where a weeks difference is a boost to my moral. So even if I think it's a long shot I'm keeping that closer time in my head to make things easier!
Okay, I love that picture!!! :) I know you are ready. She'll be here soon. Any names you are thinking of?!?!
Feeling your pain, girl! I swear I've gotten huge the past few weeks, and when he dropped, his body shifted and pushed my belly out even more, lol. We're almost there though! Can't wait1
Oh my goodness. I can't believe that you are so close. I know you probably feel like you've been pregnant for a long time, but to me it seems like just yesterday that we found out! Anyway, good luck:)
Can't wait to meet the newest member of the family! It will be so soon! Have we gotten an information system set up yet.. as in how to spread the word when it happens? Or are we just leaving that up to Amy W? We are? Ok, good plan!;)
K, you're so funny! I imagine her auntie Ali will be more than happy to spread the word.
Rae, can't wait to meet her and see what beautiful name you've chosen. Good luck in these last few weeks.
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