We're back at home, feeling great and falling more in love every minute. Jules was born at home after another extremely short and easy labor. Must be that good hearty peasant stock in me. And while Rosie's labor was somewhat scary and whirlwindish, Jules came into the world all calm and peaceful right into Daddy's waiting hands, not even crying but looking at us wide eyed and alert. So far she's been wonderfully happy and content, already enjoying her sling and watching her sisters antics. I'm feeling awesome, much better than I could have ever thought.
Thanks for all the well wishes, I'm sure you'll be seeing more of her soon!
She is so beautiful! We can't wait to meet her!!!
Wow Rae, I am impressed! Beautiful name for another beautiful girl. Looks like the girls are thrilled with her so far. How neat that Evie at least (and maybe both of them?) will have memories of meeting her little sister. Something that close siblings like me and my brother and you and yours don't have...
Congratulations. She is beautiful.
She looks like Meri in the first pic!
Congrats to everyone! Juliana is beautiful, and it looks like she will never be starved for attention. What happened to Meri's hand? Blessings, hugs, & love to all from the Schuerman's!
"Heart peasant stock"!! HAHA - I love that; I laughed out loud. Painless and peaceful - that is incredible. She looks so content with her family and I know you all must be thrilled to meet her! I can't wait to meet her, myself!
Love the pictures, but she is even more beautiful in person. ummm, you can take your ticker off now, you won. Love you!!!!
She is beautiful Rachel! Congratulations!!!
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