Soooo, Rosie's hand. You noticed, huh? It's not really as bad as it looks, although it could have been worse than it looks actually. Wednesday morning she got her finger shut in the heavy wooden outside door. It hit right on the nail bed ... ouch! We were very afraid that she was going to lose that finger tip based on the ER evaluation which was a really scary thing. The tip of the bone was broken and obviously the cut was pretty deep. However, the orthopedic surgeon on call that day just happened to be a hand specialist! After her surgery he said everything went really well and that he saw no signs of vascular trouble which was the big worry. He said that in time we shouldn't even be able to tell it happened. It really freaks me out that I can't check on the progress of her healing - I'm so afraid that when the cast comes off in a week and a half that it's going to be bad news! I guess we'll just have to trust him and pray.
Se was such a trooper! She didn't cry at all after we got to ER, just right when it happened. And she didn't get any pain meds until the surgery which was about 5 hours after it happened. So far the hardest part has been that it's itchy and that she has to be super careful around the baby.
Soo we had a pretty eventful week, huh? Wends in the ER all day. Thursday I had a OB appt with a sonogram to check for decreased movement and Fri we got our new baby girl!
I didn't realize she had a little surgery! Poor thing! Glad to see her smiling and running about! :)
Oh yes. She got put under and everything. It was awful to watch her go away!
We will keep Meri in our "get better" prayers! Glad to hear everyone is on the mend.
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