Jules first outing - a picnic at the park. It's like where's Waldo? Can you spot Jules?

This is what I woke up to this morning ... definitely a count your blessings picture. Again you have to hunt for Jules! Oh and no, they don't sleep with us all night long, they come in when they wake up and will usually fall back asleep. This
is why we had to get a "King's Bed" (rosie speak) though!

The first time Jules got to play with Mama and her camera(unfortunately for me it only lasted about 2 minutes before we were found and she was woken up by her sister)! Poor baby is so splotchy, we think it's a reaction to our detergent. Got some more at the store to start experimenting and see if we can stop that nasty reaction. I managed to make most of them go away in PS, they were just too painful to look at!
I hope everyone had as good a weekend as we did. I guess it's not everyday you get to celebrate a new life and love though, right?