Thursday, August 19, 2010

Daddy's Girl(s)

1. See Daddy

2. Run to Daddy

3. Love on Daddy

They all do this. But Juju still has that no holding back thing going on. Pure joy. I just happened to capture this since I was sitting leaning up against the car after the water park incident. Back at the yellow house we could always hear his truck coming and then we had the street and the long driveway to get ready so I was able to purposely capture it more. It's make me happy to have these even if they're far from what I would have liked.


Kathy said...

don't usually correct your grammar anymore but should be Daddy's Girl just want to clarify that you don't have more than one daddy living at your house. :) and you would need a video camera to catch the unadulterated joy when he pulls in.

Rae said...

does that have anything to do with i before e? i fixed it ....

Ali said...

Melts my heart!

Kathy said...

um no, i think i before e involves a C not a Daddy :)

Becky said...

Pure joyful moment captured...beautiful!