JuJu loves the birdy bedding her Mimi made for her.

It's so cozy she fell asleep right away, even as I was blinding her with my flash. Of course that's not saying a whole lot since she really will sleep anywhere - the other day at the lake beach, she slept in Nathans arms for a good 30 minutes - while Nate was actually in the water. Seriously, she was like half submerged with wailing kids all around her. Amazing.

So I was supposed to be taking pictures to share of the cuteness that is her room but when I pulled these up on the computer I realized something. I got a wee bit distracted by the cuteness inside the crib and didn't actually get much of her bedding and room.
OMG, I LOVEEEEEE that bedding!!!!! Think "Mimi" would hook up her favoritest person with something like that one day?!!?! LOL. Seriously, loving the birds. Reminds me of a blankie I had when I was little.
Too funny about JuJu (okay, Jules or JuJu, let Wes and I know before we get confused again-hehe) in the water. She is so precious!
Of course Ali and I can't wait!!!!!
Very cute - Mimi is very talented! Hoping that a visit around Labor Day works out, we so want to see you guys:) Happy packing!
She is so beautiful! And the birdies are an adorbale background for her! Really, I think y'all could open a babies'/children's boutique...
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