I've been pretty lax with Rosie's candy obsession because we eat really well otherwise. That might have to change. The other day after being in the car for the entire day looking at houses we took the girls to the toy store for a treat. They had been sooo good we thought they deserved something. Rosie latched onto a Pegasus pretty quickly and try as I might I couldn't swap it out for anything - not even special things like barbies or my little ponies that I usually won't buy. The pegasus was pretty pricey so I was willing to make a deal. She wasn't having it. I gave in to keep the peace, after all she had just put up with an entire day of my neurotic house/area hunting. Fast forward to the candy isle where Mom and I were picking up our treats. Rosie spotted the lik a maid and in about .5 seconds picked it up and handed me the pegasus saying she'd rather have the candy. Good bye coveted, expensive, sparkly toy, hello shoogah! I can't tell you how disturbed that made me, enough to consider banning white sugar completely. At least after I had my chocolate.
1 comment:
--Where does the time go? Seems like only 4 or 5 years since E was doing squat thrusts in her own poo. Now...
I'll miss the LYH.
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