They mean of course that they're going to be big sisters. Around about the beginning of April, should everything go well. We had meant to wait and share in person but it seems like a lot of our people need a lift today. So don't mention it to Julia unless you're certain she knows, okay? And no, we were not trying for a boy for Nathan, okay? He likes his girls just fine. And yes, we are super, super excited. Rosie said she "loves her little warm baby" and Evie promptly named it yellow. I feel pretty good, as usual for me and my pregnancies. Just tired and a little bit of that after thanksgiving stuffed nausea feeling.
Congrats! New house, new baby...how many bedrooms is the new place? Hope all goes well and hope to catch up with you guys soon.
Is that why you called?!?! And I never called back. :( Nothing personal-it was a crazy weekend. DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm an Auntie*5! Big families rock!
Next time, call back....again, again, and AGAIN till we answer, k? ;)
This definitely made our day. Looking forward to seeing y'all soon!
I'm gonna have to get you one of those t-shirts that says something shmarmey about touching ma' belly. Grats its great. :)
Congratulations!!! Those two look like they will be fantastic big sisters!
Yay!!! Congratulations, Rae:) I'm so excited!!
goodness, it's a baby boom around here! Congrats, Rae and Nathan (and girls). Can't wait to meet another little one.
Whoo Hoo!!! I am super excited for you Rachel! So many babies!!!!
Fantastic! I bet Mimi is excited. Eamon told me he is hoping for a boy.
Congrats to you guys! I'm so excited for you!
p.s. can I just say E's trendy choice of name is going to be stolen by some celeb before #3 is even born, I can feel it!
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