This song never fails to get stuck in my head. And really I only know this line so it just keeps playing over and over.
"I went to the animal fair, the birds and the beasts were there, the big baboon by the light of the moon was combing his long dark hair..."
That was us on Sunday, we went to the Zoo! I really don't like them so I 've tried to just avoid letting the girls know about them but well, peer pressure and all that.

See this guy? They have a litlle petting zoo area. He prompted the picture below.

Do you know what that look is? That's her best "please Momma may I have a goat?" "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaase?" Works pretty well doesn't it? Not quite good enough though!

Meri and Daddy liked the "baby horses", I'm pretty sure that fence is there for a reason. I guess Nathan didn't think so.

And that's about it. Because when you go to the Zoo, this is about all you see.

Our zoo is really, really small. No elephants or lions or anything like that. Their favorite part was the petting zoo. My favorite part was the free ice cream. They were celebrating Earth Day with a little festival and Ben and Jerry's had a booth set up. Bless their green liberal souls.

Oh, and can anybody tell me where my baby went? You do realize she'll be TWO in less than a month, don't you?
Looks like Nathan is trying to feed Meri to the horses. I think you should definately get Evie a goat. Every little girl needs a goat!
Looks like Nathan is trying to feed Meri to the horses. I think you should definately get Evie a goat. Every little girl needs a goat!
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