Friday, December 01, 2006

Once upon a time...

... there was a little girl who had to cook and clean for her family. It was such hard work and at the end of the day she didn't even have a bed to sleep in. Poor little thing had to sleep on the bench in the hall with no covers.
Seriously though, where did the drama come from? She's only three!! It worries me, combine her dramatic nature with her spirit and whew, what does the future hold! She was actually playing on the bench and just conked out, poor thing, she gets so tired on the days she has preschool but refuses to take a nap. We were making cookies in the second on and it was just too much work, she couldn't handle it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bring my nieces to visit me...or there will be mean things posted. Grr..grrr.
