Monday, November 12, 2012

no more nicknames please

She's requested that we call her by her given name. Why does she want to grow up? Make it stop!


Trisha said...

Do you mean Meredith? Or Rose? I need to know so I don't offend the next time I see her! :)

Ali said...

Oh no....I just got "Rosie" down!!

Kathy said...

What's in a name? I've been thinking this every since you told me that we will no longer have our little Rosie but will now have our growing up very fast Meredith. Her Meme wishes she would also stop or at least slow down but also thinks, A Rose by any other name...will be loved just the same!


Jennie said...

I always loved Meredith!
I remember when I realized that she was going by Rosie, I was reading weekend update emails and you kept talking about this Rosie and I thought she was a cousins kid or something! It took me a few weeks to realize that Meredith = Rosie. I think they are both beautiful names!
Can't wait to see Meredith! :)