After a looong break from school we attempted to start up again after Christmas. Yes, I said attempted. Evie had started this thing where she was acting like she didn't know how to do anything and thinking it was funny. Very, very aggravating and of course it resulted in many battles. So I ordered a new phonics set and got two of everything so Rosie could do work too. We sat down today to try it and I didn't have a smidge of trouble. I guess having your little sister show you up is quite the motivation. It was very nice to have fun this morning instead of battling with her!
And yes, it really is that bright in there. We need curtains up so bad! The problem is that our windows are twelve feet long - that's a lot of curtain!
Hoooray!!! Get your learn on girls. But, not from Aunt Ali obviously. Hehe.
Ha! Yes, I was always motivated by the fear of Charlie upstaging me. Works every time. Go Rae!
You aren't that far behind, I promise. We've gotten the room cleaned out and painted...and that's it, lol. We moved here when I was pregnant w/ J, so I understand. I can't imagine having to settle us and two little ones, plus being pregnant. I bet the girls didn't quite understand the ultrasound; I can definitely see how that may be scary to them. I bet the time will fly for both of us and we'll have a couple more little ones here before we know it :D
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