Look, I do exist. Really, the only reason I stuck this in is because you can kinda see the bump. It was pretty windy and this was a couple weeks ago so it's not all that accurate. But I will say that I definitely look pregnant. Feeling lots of movement, mostly at night though. That's done wonders to make me more positive about the outcome, even if she is kicking the location that's causing the spotting! ( We have no for sure reason to think "she" even after 5 sonograms - we just think it!)

Fun times, even if I did feel silly paying $6 to pets goats when we have a whole herd next door.
HOOOORAY for baby bumps!!! :) Glad to see some pics up. LOVE IT-"pumplin"! They are as adorable as every. Great to see a post Rae!
Hooray for blog updates! Adorable girlies and cute as can be baby bump (Nathan, you're looking good too!).
Everyone looks great! Hope life is a bit less stressful & that pregnancy continues to go well. Love & Hugs to all of you:o)
Oh-what a beautiful bump. Love to all my girls from auntiek
oh i'm so glad to see you, rae! everybody looks great, and the girls seem excited about the pumkins. i love halloween!
Welcome back to blogland! I hope to see you here more often! The girls are getting so grown-up! I can't wait to see them tomorrow! We are going to have so much fun. Oh, and tell Nathan that the flowery purse looks great on him!!!
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