Last Saturday was a big day around here. We went and signed Evie up for youth soccer.It was pretty anti climatic for her after us repeatedly asking "do you want to play soccer?", I guess she thought we were going to play soccer that day! So went to the soccer store and bought her cleats, shin guards and a ball her size. She was in heaven - pronouncing it "soccer girl stuff"! Of course she and her Daddy had to get suited up and play right away. I love it when people ask if we want a boy - Nathan just shakes his head and grins. They don't realize he's got his soccer player already to carry on the family tradition.
But the big news came after that... We went and visited a horse farm down the road to see about riding lessons for her. We were very please and are going to start lessons this week, they'll be her birthday present and any money she gets for her birthday goes toward those. She got to halter a little black pony named Ike and brush him and lead him around - heady stuff for a child that's been horse obsessed since, well since I can remember anyway. I can't actually remember her not being obsessed with horses - can you?

And yes, poor Rosie was feeling very mistreated. Don't worry, we'll put her in dance next year. I'm actually pretty opposed to all sorts of activities for kids, we like our family time! So we'll see how it goes. I'm hoping that by homeschooling we'll be able to do some stuff during the day and avoid all the evening rushing around that seems to occur in suburbia.

My three couch potatoes never fail to crack me up - sometimes I worry that I'm missing out on boding time by sneaking away to read but then I figure that I'm setting a good example and I remind myself that there all sorts of things we do all day without Daddy.

Rosie has definitely done another one of those maturity spurts - making her seem even less the baby! She's still a funny girl though.
Here's some new Rosie -isms
When Evie hits her she very emphatically waves her hands and says" NO, NO!" "no hit people, it make the people cry"
When we tickle her or do something to make her laugh she stops and beams at us and says "you making me HAPPY!"
Thanks is dank Momma.
There are soo many, I really need to write them down so I can remember them.