We don't really want the rain to go away but we are having to amuse ourselves (read : me amuse them) a
little bit more than usual.
Beauty shop is always popular, don't you love how
Meri's hair can be made to stand straight up?

She's cracking me up in this shot, for some reason they think they have to hold there mouths shut when they have "stick" on.

She posed all by herself on this one........

I think they'll make beautiful punks one day, don't you?

Or actresses!
They look like they are ready for a night on the town. Absolutely beautiful!
They look more like clowns than punks to me...or maybe mimes? Definitely 80s throwbacks though -- have you been letting them watch "Jem"? ; ) Funny what you think looks good when you're a toddler!
Wow! That's all I can say!
My little beauties! I'm so proud, of you too -- already passing on those tips on how to use makeup discretely!
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