We had so much fun! The girls didn't even care that I couldn't find mittens or that their poor little feet were bootless, cold and wet doesn't bother them. We were upset Daddy had to go into work, we think it totally stinks that they closed the plant down but salaried people had to go in. I know I could have used help with that pathetic excuse for a snowman. Shhh, don't tell but I added eyes in photo shop and he was mighty cold with out his scarf, I'm a bad snowman maker, what can I say? We of course had to go inside and have hot cocoa but unfortunately unlike everyone else in a 60 mile radius, I forgot to go the store and get bread and milk. So how do you make cocoa without milk? First you have to be really strange and keep things like powered milk around, then you have to pretend like you don't care about calories and add a bunch of cocoa powder and powdered sugar then add hot water - voila hot chocolate. Mm mm tasty!
Ooooo, looks like so much fun!!! :) Love frosty's hat!
cute pictures! My kids and I had a snow day the other day and they loved it!
now, really, what does one do with powdered milk, besides the mentioned....
WOw.. lots of snow! Love the color!
that snowman is too cute!
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