Wednesday, May 09, 2012


I didn't realize the effect  having two older sisters would have on her independent 3 stage - it's "I do it" multiplied since she has so many " mamas". She was already a stubborn little thing so this is um, interesting?. I just keep reminding myself .... it doesn't last, it doesn't last, it doesn't last .....
Good thing she's so cute!


azylee said...

So cute! She's such a fun and sweet little girl.

Brady is already getting the "I do it's" Not that he can actually say that, but you know that's what he means!!

Kathy said...

This little girl is so hard to resist. Her grandparents have a very hard time telling her no. She rules us. But she is such an incredible little person. So smart and quick. Okay maybe a little sassy too. She rocks 3!

Kathy said...

Oh, in our defense, HOW IN THE WORLD could anyone resist that face and smile? I rest my case.