Tuesday, December 28, 2010

and you thought you liked your Christmas present

decking our halls

1 - number of trees left at Lowes the saturday before Christmas.
2 - number of ornaments broken.
3 - amount of dollars our Charlie Brown tree cost.
4 - strands of glowing LED lights. Totally recommend  if you want to pretend it's a bar instead of your tree.
5 - minutes  to determine the ripster might need to be put in his kennel.
6(0) - seconds to break heirlooms and have Mama decide to pack up the precious ones. For another year.

wrap it up!

And I wonder why I never have tape.

I guess he was thirsty?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

the rumors are true!

We had a white Christmas!  Possibly the best Christmas present ever.
Hope your day was as blessed as ours!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

whilst elving

Don't leave your candy unattended with a juju on the loose.

try not to smile

If I had know a puppy would induce naps we would have gotten one sooner!

Monday, December 13, 2010

a new addition

We adopted a very large pup this weekend. It's something we've been thinking about for awhile. My wonderful cousin Ann saved a litter that had been dumped so it seemed like fate.

He's just a little bit loved.
I think he knows it already too.
What is the juju doing? Who knows? When she gets in trouble she either closes her eyes or hides her face. She's the funniest with the pup, she wants so badly to play wit him but she's so scared too. Funny girl.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Don't you eat your popcorn on the kitchen counter?

Monday, December 06, 2010

dear juliana kate

Today you are 20ish months old. You said several new words today, all of them related to food. You broke my candy thermometer and had a fit when I wouldn't let you play with  the glass. You put a plastic bag over your head while I was unloading groceries and had a fit when I took it away. You stepped in a goldfish cracker box and got completely stuck. You ate tooth paste for as long as it took me to realize it was awfully quiet and come looking. You sucked the oil out of a fish oil capsule you found on the floor and you liked it. You put your treat bowl in the drier but I found it before we dried the clothes. You colored on the floor while your sisters drew on paper. Yesterday you put glue all over your face and when it dried you looked like you had a Halloween mask on. You broke a toy that survived countless kids for 30 years. You also broke a chair.  You said crackuh. You laid on your back with and exactly like your sisters and watched t.v. You threw a tantrum for most of church because I wouldn't let you couldn't rip down signs and throw books around. The day before that you slithered out of the bathtub and broke off half of one your front teeth. You said saaaaooooock. You screamed halfway to Birmingham and then you played just like the big kids when we got there. You loved somewhat softly on baby brady.
My dearest juju. You entertain us like mad. What would we do without you?