I keep rewriting this in me head and there is just no good way to describe how this years day was tinged with sadness but a wnderful holiday too. Our hearts ached for family that we missed and family that we never even got to know but at the same time Grandma's legacy wouldn't let me not be thankful for all that we've been blessed with. It was a lovely fall day and we enjoyed a delicious dinner with Mimi and Papa. The drive down to their house was a relaxing break from the disaster that is our house and as always the girls had a blast outside with the
puppers and got to do cool things (I never know exactly what they're up too) with their beloved Uncle Josh. The sweet
potatoes were the favorite of both
Juju and Rosie too who kept eating the
marshmallows off the top and
exclaiming "
mmm these sweet
potato's are
soo good"!