my camera is lost and my scanner not hooked up. No pictures this time. I wanted to let everyone know our good news though.
It's a girl!
She's as healthy as can be and so am I. Yep, I get to have a normal pregnancy now. We saw the new Dr (for here in Rome) and had an ultrasound with a new tech. They think it probably was a
hematoma (blood clot) and that it just bled out. That made me feel better because it means nothing I did caused the problems. They think the clots form during conception and there is no cause or prevention. Just one of those things. So I wasn't doing too much or lifting too much or
stretching too much or anything like that. It just happened to be really bad timing about how it all
Luckily we've got so much to look forward to in the months ahead that I know time is just going to fly. We've got the holidays, my birthday and Evie's birthday, whew! I'll post some pictures of the ultrasound as soon as I can.