Soooo, I had to a self portrait for this workshop thingy I'm attending. I thought about this one, what do you think? Note the remote - I think it adds a nice touch.

For about two seconds I
thought liked the
pouty look but then I decided it just looked like I had some sour patch candy or maybe that I was about to blow a bubble.

So I
settled on this one. I've gotten pretty good at touch
up's eh? Since we all know I don't look like this. Although I really didn't do anything to my eyes, freaky huh? Man, I need to get some sunglasses - look at those wrinkles. Nathan
doesn't believe me when I keep harping on prescription sunglasses, anybody want to start a letter
writing campaign? I'm betting they'll be cheaper than an eye tuck...

So I don't want to hear anymore complaints about no pictures of me, okay? Cause I'll just point you back to here. That's four Rachel pictures and fake Rachel, it's a record.