Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's not yellow. It's not little. And it's most definitely not out in the country.

But it does have lots of space to play and picnic.
Views of our very own creek.
Plenty of room for Juju monsters to attack.
An upstairs with room for two big girls to have their very own bedrooms. And bathroom too!
Honestly, after the experience of the past little while. I'd be happy in anything we could call our own. But we think this place is pretty special and we're super excited to move in and make it ours. Nate's already started - he's been hard at work tonight sanding those floors down so they can be a little less orange. :)
I hope so so soooooo much that I'll be able to look down there and see 3 big girls one day. I really, really have no desire to move again. Like never, ever, ever!
Did you think I could do it? A post with out a Juliana picture? Impossible! Although you'd have to have a video to catch how fast that little booger moves across that empty house.


Becky said...

So great to see your new looks awesome! From the looks of it, the Dyer crew is doing well. Can't wait to come your way & visit!
(((HUGS))) to all from the Schuerman crew:)

Ash said...

Can't wait to see the house, Rae. It looks beautiful from the pictures!

Kristi G said...

The house, and those girls, look beautiful! I think y'all are really going to make something out of it - it had a great layout and you just have a knack (does thet have a silent K?) with stuff like that! Can't wait to see it!

Ali said...

Happy new home!

Trisha said...

Congrats Rachel! i can't wait to see what you do with the place. Let me know if you need painting help; I'd be happy to come down.