Wednesday, March 25, 2009

rotten candy

A month or so ago Mimi and Poppa took the girls to the circus. Being the fiscally responsible people they are they resisted the urge to buy the $20 cotton candy. So the next time I spotted some at the store I brought it home. rosie took one look at it and exclaimed "ROTTEN CANDY" ! Such a funny girl she is!

And of course I couldn't make a post with out a picture of the latest star of the show. This is from the same day as the oyster bowl shot. We're doing fabulous, staying super busy trying to take advantage of the time Nate has home. And up until today enjoying the gorgeous weather, boo to the nasty weather that moved in. I do have some other candid stuff still on the camera but right now I'm off to bed. I've got a baby getting me up every two hours and a husband that's decided to start snoring plus two big kids that climb in bed to sleep on me at daybreak. I'm just a wee bit sleep deprived ;)


Ali said...

Oh, he just now started snoring? Man, he's behind the other Dyers!!! LOL.

Haha at the Rotten candy. Definitely Rosie! ;)

So, we need stories about what the girls think of their new baby sister!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow you have 3 beautiful girls!!!! and you are also an awesome photographer. I am not the least bit biased either.

But in truth, the cotton candy was only $12.50 each - since we would have had to buy 2 that would have made it $25.00 to buy rotten candy. Not these grandparents, took them shopping for a new toy instead! They each did however get a very small box of popcorn a bargain(?)at $5.00 each.

Anonymous said...

Oh also love E's carrying around her baby in her sling!

Ali said...

I was just about to say that Kathy, about the sling! She is so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

I want to see Jules with her eyes open. Just what you need right now, more demands, right? ;)

azylee said...

She's so cute. I love how Evie and Rosie are now the "big girls" yet they are still so little themselves.

Becky said...

Three words for the soring...Breathe Right Strips!! They help tremendously! Great pics, hope to see Juliana before she's past the chubby baby stage. Take good care & best of luck getting some sleep:o)